We are through and through Fendi fans. From their scarves to shoes and especially their bags. The FF logo is genuinely iconic, and we can’t have l enough pieces in our wardrobe with it.
The fashion houses’ many feats include the design and evolution of the Peekaboo bag. It’s been loved the world over since its creation. From the most prominent celebrities to models & the who’s who of the fashion world have been seen carrying the stylish yet sophisticated Peekaboo bag by Fendi. We’ve been playing dress-up with the pack and have many options for you to shop and join the bags’ glamorous global following!
There are many designs to choose from. The iconic Peekaboo mini is refreshing and on-trend with the mini-bag wave. We love the citrusy color of the orange Peekaboo and the orange and white braided one. One that stands out. The embroidered grey Peekaboo is more elegant and has a lovely contrasting embroidered front. You can style it with any color, and it would still look great.
There are monochromes as well – the blacks and the whites. The ones make total sense when you can’t decide between so many gorgeous options! They are simple, impactful, and very wearable with your work wardrobes. Investing in a good work bag makes all the difference to your everyday boss-babe look.

You’ll miss out on our videos and edits if you’re not following us on Instagram! So head there to see the complete improvement where we show the latest pictures from the Fendi store and all the gorgeous leather bags they have! To shop your favorites right now, scroll below and tap the bag you like to 🛍🛍