Sell your preloved designer bags For Instant Cash!

Submit now and get a quote withing 2 days

Accepting 30+ Brands

If you are in any country other than UK or US, please submit your bags here

Please note following terms & conditions:
1. You will have fourteen (14) days, commencing on the date you received the Offer Email, to accept or reject the Offer Price. If you wish to accept the Offer Price, you will have to indicate to us that you wish to accept via the email you will receive.

2. If you do not accept the Offer Price within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the Offer Email, the Offer Price shall automatically lapse, and the submission shall be treated as cancelled. The Offer Price will no longer be available after this date.

3. Once we receive the Product, we will carry out Inspection and Valuation checks. If your Product passes the checks, we shall send you a Purchase Confirmation Email confirming that we wish to purchase your Product.

4. If, following the Inspection and Validation checks, we deem (in our sole discretion) that the Product’s condition is different to the one conveyed in the Submission Form, or of a condition which is not suitable, the Product will be deemed unfit for purchase, and it shall be returned to you at the Address via the Nominated Courier Company, at our cost (Only in UK & USA). If you delivered from any country other than UK & USA, you would have to arrange pick up of bag at your own cost.

5. Within five (5) business days of your Product passing the Inspection and Validation checks (as confirmed to you via email), we will pay you a sum equal to the Offer Price, by transmitting such amount to your nominated bank account.

You can read further terms & conditions of our trading partner by click here